Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Red Hat Book

My mom and sister are both Red Hatters.

I'm a pink hatter, but for me it's more about spending time with my mom than it is about support of the Red Hat organization, although I do advocate what they stand for.  My mom and sister have taken vacations together now for years along with their husbands, and I have to say, I'm glad that they do, because then I know that everything should be ok and that they will have fun.  Mom and my sister just went to the Red Hat convention in Texas this year, they go every year, but the locations change.

This year, when they got back, my sister brought me a coloring book created by one of the other Red Hatters, and I will provide the information about it here, because if you are a Red Hatter, or support their vision, you might like to look it up and contact the creator to get one for yourself or a loved one.  The creator does have a blog which is included on the info page, and I'm sure there is a way to contact them via their blog.

Hopefully you enjoy today's entry, and also hope that it helps people interested, to learn more about Red Hat!

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