Saturday, November 7, 2020

My Thoughts on What Socialized Medicine in the U.S. Would Look Like

 Say Goodbye to your Grandparents, those with difficult medical conditions such as cancer or prolonged illnesses, or disease processes, which includes those with acquired and genetic disabilities.

Our country has long shown a trend to devalue those that are a "drain" on the system/economy.  If we put our lives and health in the hands of those in "power", I dread how much loss and death we will see in our country.  I have already seen politicians/companies etc. making the lives of our elders so difficult, that it's impossible for me to NOT think that they are attempting to kill them off by whatever means is necessary.  I hope you don't like your children that have cancer or were born with disabilities because I can see them being given the most minimal/cheap medical treatment available to keep "government" costs down.

We may not all have the benefit of having the best or finest healthcare, but our family's lives are in OUR hands, not anyone elses.  We have the option to use what our insurance will cover, or to reach out for better care to give our loved ones the best hope of a longer future.  WE decide.  I fear the day when people give government the ultimate power of deciding every aspect of our lives.  In that aspect of politics I suppose I'd be tagged as a far right person, I believe that we, as Americans should have the right to make moral, and life decisions for ourselves.  I believe that laws should be simple and understandable, Don't murder, rob, rape, steal or touch children or anyone else inappropriately.  Perhaps this oversimplifies things, however, I was brought up with a moral compass, and I trust my neighbors to have been brought up with some values as well.

Creating more laws as we saw in the last election, creating division over where someone should use the bathroom, caused me to think, wow what a way to cloud the issues, we were all taught to use the bathroom as toddlers, and now it's in question how and where?  Moreover, we are willing to let the government dictate to us how to pee and poop........really America.  I wouldn't align myself with the Democratic party, even before all the socialist propaganda of this electoral year.  I'm sure that some of my views fall in the Democrat party area in some ways, at least before this socialist crap.  The overall thing I try to iterate to others is this, the Republican party wants LESS government in every avenue of our lives because they trust people to have values, while the Democratic party has been caught out time and again saying that the populace as a whole is too stupid to make their own life decisions.

I've been waiting on my personal, intelligent Democratic assistant since I'd first heard this nonsense, to come to my home and wake me, bathe me, wipe my butt, feed me, and everything else deemed necessary that we the people are too stupid to do.  As I said I can not fully align myself with any political party because I believe that there are some good reasons for abortion, some very necessary to medical health, but at the same time I don't believe it should be at taxpayers expense, nor be used as a form of contraception.  I do believe that gay ppl have the right to be just as miserable as the rest of the world, so if they want to get married......let them.  As far as whether it's ok with God or not, I won't comment personally, I know what the Bible says about that so enough about that part of my thinking on the matter.  

The fact is, God judges not you, not me, and He judges us ALL.  It's not my place to say where someone may go afterwards.  That's not between us, that's between each person and God.  I can't say I'm not a sinner, nor can I say that I'm perfect, because guess what, I'm not.  I'll be judged too.  Guess what, I'm pretty sure God's going to playback the times I screamed at Him for allowing certain things in the world, and for hurts people may never overcome.  I have PTSD, and I had my screaming matches in the woods with God, as well as my moments singing His praises.  I'm sure no one likes to be cussed at, and I'm pretty sure God's no exception, but I also think he probably laughed his butt off at me for even thinking I had the right to yell at Him.

This election has had me very anxious for my fellow Americans.  I don't want to see a five year old die from cancer they could get treated for, because the government says well, you qualify for a bandaid, here you go, and pats them on the head as they send them out the door.  I don't want to see generations before me die earlier than they should, taking their knowledge and wisdom with them, because their heart condition won't get better so we're taking away your medicine but you're welcome to take an aspirin.

I can not believe that we have come to voting for a candidate solely on hate.  I think not long ago, when Trump had a reality show, the media kept saying to love him, he's ruthless, not pc, blunt, brutally honest, so watch and love him and see who gets fired next.  I have never watched "reality" tv personally, but I saw the commercials, I remember how America was encouraged to love him by the media as a darling of reality tv.  Now the media uses those same traits to convince the same people to hate him.  Is your memory so short, are you so fickle America, that you'd allow hate to guide you to socialism and ruin us all?

Trump is the SAME person he was when you were told to love him, and so you did.  I don't like or dislike people because others tell me to. I don't allow others to make up my mind or tell me what to think.  Truth be told, I never met President Trump, and I DON'T  know if I'd like him if I did.  I will not allow others to tell me that I should vote out of hate, anger, ignorance, just because someone's personality can be abrasive.  Guess what, it was abrasive and YOU ALL LOVED HIM FOR IT, because the media told you what to think and so you did.  I don't watch "news" that is nothing more than opinion.  Guess what, if I want an editorial, or opinion, I will ask, OR I'll give you mine.  I'm smart enough to make up my own mind, and I have faith in our people to be able to do the same.

If we lose our elders and ill, and you voted in a socialist, I hope you're prepared to say goodbye.  I'm not ready to say goodbye to those I love, or those who are sick.  If allowed to heal, they could hold a bright future for this world of ours.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

While the World Waits to Breathe

 I color because otherwise I might have to up my anxiety dose.

It's hard to know who and what to listen to these days.  If you're like me, u fact check everything.  I have never been one to dislike someone because someone else tells me to.  I watch ppl and make up my own mind.  Unfortunately, we live in a time where hype is followed too closely and the "cool kids" table welcomes few.  Too many out there rely on others to tell them how to feel rather than growing a pair, doing a little work, and making up your own mind.  Why have a mind if u refuse to use it.

Anyway, here's what I've been up to lately, enjoy the pictures!

See you on the flipside.