Monday, September 14, 2020

A Whole Slew of Pictures

 I've been a bit busy with my color therapy.

Well, between that and playing games on my giant tv.  I've been playing diablo with the bf, and when his sight is lacking I try to help get him through mobs etc.  It's a bit sad that even with this humungous television, there are still times he can't see it well.  I had thought that if I got one large enough, it would circumvent that aspect of his MS.  Most of the time I think he can see it, but I think it's the smaller details he has issues with.  It's very frustrating to us both.

It is a bit funny, tiny apt........super huge television......odd fit, but it works, mostly.

I miss my family, and play days with my niece.  We have to be extra careful with his medication because it all but demolishes his immune system.  The few times I've felt under the weather made me worry because if he caught a bug it would be so much worse for him.  Fortunately it was a lot of nothing, and my body was just reacting badly to lady time....again.  Lucky me LOL.

Lately, I've been looking at the art I've been coloring.  I think I should do something with it.  I was thinking of cards, but also, I would need the proper size and shape envelopes.  Some of the pictures are just so pretty once they're all filled in, it seems a waste to shut them away in a drawer.  I've been having a ton of fun with mixing mediums, and I found a set of 120....I think.....gel glitter pens........  That is a LOTof glitter.  An entire color spectrum of glitter!!!!!  I've been having fun with them as well.  

I think the first picture I'll put on here is one I think I should make into a card and send to my mom.  She was telling me how she did a lot of art with flowers when she was in school.  So the picture made me think of her while I was coloring it.  I mixed all my mediums except for water color, and I think it is a really pretty representation flowers, colors and different mediums working harmoniously.  I had a lot of fun coloring all the pictures, I always do, but I especially liked working on this one, probably because I had mom on mind the whole time.

I LOVE YOU MOM, even if you don't read my blog LOL.  Either way, share share share!

This is what I've worked on for the last little while, look forward to seeing art from out in the blogosphere!!

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