Sunday, October 18, 2020

Friend Coloring Session

 I had the bf's sis and her friend over to celebrate his and Carolyn's birthdays.

These days get togethers have to be small and rare, but we had a lot of fun.  Carolyn's friend Megan got to try her hand with water color pencils and also used a water color pallete w prefilled colors.  It is always fun to color, and especially when you can joke and giggle with friends.  I had a lot of fun seeing someone try new mediums and look forward to see them blossom as they practice their techniques and establish their own unique view of expression through coloring.

I told them I would be sharing their pictures because it's fun to share!  I'm sure people get tired of hearing me prattle on and just share my own art LOL.   Megan made it to the fridge!! LOL I'll share her pictures first, and one that she and I worked on together.  I colored with the water color pencils and she finished it off with the painting part.  I'll share her second picture first, just because it reminded me so much of other famous artists and paintings I've seen, though it took forever for me to put my finger on it.  Then her first picture, followed by the one we did together.

Carolyn's will go next with the two she did with us, followed by my inevitable plethera of pictures from a few weeks....I think.  I couldn't decide which I liked best so I'll close my eyes and click to see which goes first.  They were both wonderful.  One of these days she will have to share some of her acryllic on canvas with us so we can enjoy that too.

Without further delay, I present the accumulation of our artistic minds, as it worked with predrawn pictures for us to fill in LOL!

Oddly, the last picture is the one I did when they visited.  We had so much fun, so hopefully others will have coloring parties too!

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