Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Catching up

I've been taking time lately to work on books I've already reviewed.

My BF was recently diagnosed with MS, and we have been dealing with that, the craziness that brings with his meds destroying his immune system and our need to isolate due to that, and then the added necessity due to covid.  Every person has different symptoms as well as experiences.  His has been very trying for us both.  His vision completely going was what eventually led to his diagnosis, and while it's come back somewhat, it varies from day to day, which is frustrating for us both, because sometimes he can see, sometimes not, and I try to share this or that with him not knowing when he is able to see things.

He is in constant pain, and his hands and limbs do not always obey him.  It makes it extra hard to keep him occupied with things he is capable of doing, with his hand and vision issues, playing video games etc is a frustration for him, and he often gets VERY negative.  We finally decided maybe getting a HUGE smart tv might help, though our apartment is not large.  That way he might be able to see and enjoy shows, and may be able to try games on days when his sight and hands are behaving somewhat.  I've suggested things like books on audio etc, but he doesn't seem overly interested in that.  I think at this point he is mostly just trying to keep what senses he does have, and fighting to make them work the best he is able.

With his medical issues and my PTSD and anxiety, it's quite difficult at times to get along.  I do my best to be supportive and encouraging, but it's definitely difficult when his anger, frustration, and depression takes a turn for the worst.  There are times he talks about not wanting to be here, and since I watch him daily struggle to walk, try to keep entertained, frustration over being isolated at home, and more so since people won't follow directions during this whole covid thing, I understand.  I know me, and I'd find positive things or at least look to keep me going.  I also don't suffer from clinical depression though, and so I know it's a larger struggle for him to get to that same point.

I watch the insanity of the present goings on in the world and think that people don't understand that all of this, makes it more difficult on those of us who are stuck in isolation for medical issues already to heap on the issues of people meeting for these politically charged riots etc and not following the recommended courses of action to keep the spread of covid down.  All it does is make us less able to go places safely due to added issues.  I won't even touch on the current insanity of people rioting and thinking that they are within their rights to protest, when clearly they are breaking the law, causing harm, death, destruction, and chaos rather than peaceful protest.

Either way, I'll still be sharing my art I've been working on to try and keep my own PTSD/anxiety in check through all of this.

As you can tell, I've been busy with art, hopefully you have some awesome coping mechanisms for this current insanity as well!

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