Saturday, November 23, 2019

I call her my little Angel

My little Annabelle Lee...

I've talked a little bit about what the difference is between a pet and a therapy animal.  The end of last month through a good bit of this one, I learned just how amazing my little lady could be.  We had an unexplained and urgent medical issue, which I won't discuss here because 1. it's not my story to tell, and 2. this is about how amazing a little 5 lb girl less than 2 yrs old was during all of it.

Meet my beautiful little angel, Annabelle Lee.  She's always very affectionate, but her patience was put to the test when she was asked to go from doctor to doctor and sit patiently on a lap through so many visits and then during a hospital stay.  Always on her leash, even during the hospital visit, her ability to roam was seriously limited.  I had brought puppy pads in case she needed to use them, but she instinctively knew what kind of place we were in and refused to use them.  I took her out a few times where she did go number one, but again, refused to go number 2 in a place of healing.  On those few occasions, I allowed her to walk through the hospital halls where she was on her lead that does stretch out, to give her some freedom from the confines of a lap.  My little lady was SO amazing, she walked beautifully, responding to me locking and gently pulling right or left to indicate which direction to go.  She didn't bark at the doctors, nurses, maintenance staff etc.  Everyone that met her either on the floor where we were or walking through the halls seemed so amazed that a chihuahua wasn't yippy, and for her size how amazingly well behaved she was.

Well, yes, she does have chihuahua in her, but she also has rat terrier, I think they also tend to high energy antics.  I've never had one so I can't say for sure.  I wish I could take credit for her amazing performance, but honestly, I think she simply has an innate ability.  I've taught her some things, which she's still learning, she is still a baby after all LOL not sure any other 18 month old babies could have withstood all of this.  She is typically very good at knowing the difference between her indoor voice and her outdoor voice.  I have been telling her since she was small, thank you for letting me know you hear a noise or see a person, but please no shouting, we can use our indoor voice.  She IS talkative, and I think some people mistake her talking for aggression, because when she uses her indoor talking to people voice, it sort of sounds like rrrrrrrrrr but with very little mouth opening so I think some people think it's a growl.

She doesn't talk to everyone, but people she REALLY likes and wants to pet her she talks to, to let them know she'd like pets and that she's not done with them yet LOL.  She has been going everywhere with me ever since she was very small, so part of all of this is that she knows she must behave to be able to come.  She also knows that MOST places she is carried from entry to exit.  The ability to walk the hospital corridors was a VERY rare occasion, to let her take a break from her work.  The only issue she seemed to have with all of this was people just coming and going from the hospital room.  She would get louder than normal for indoors at times, though I'd say about 90% of the time she maintained her indoor demeanor and showed off her abilities beautifully.  Of course, in her defense, her person was not well, AND she'd never had people coming and going without being permitted in.

I can not imagine how, even though she's gone everywhere with me since she was little, she knew how to be SO amazing and patient.  This was not her normal run about town, to a doctor appointment, grocery shopping, etc.  This was SO much more difficult and stressful for everyone, and being someone who can't verbalize her concerns, or how she was feeling, she truly, truly showed me just how amazing a little girl she is.  People that knew what happened, and how amazing she was through it all, just broke down in tears because she's just such a special angel.  They were touched, as I am everyday, to see what a loving, supportive, and patient little girl she really is.  She's never received formal training, she was picked for us by my sister who saw her nature, and knew what type of personality was needed.

Honestly, she was so in her element, and walked through the hospital so naturally, that I may have to get her a doctor's coat and stethoscope, just so she's properly attired.  I was thinking of combining this with some reviews of books that were long overdue because of all that's happened, but I think, this post should simply remain about her.  I can't thank my sister enough, nor those who had her in the litter of puppies and gave her to me.  If only you all knew JUST how amazing she is, you'd cry too, just like I do when I stop to think of it.  I can't help it, it's not because I'm sad, it's because she is just so amazing I can't help but to be touched by her generous nature over and over again.

My little angel, My Annabelle Lee.  A tiny dog (and my lovely daughter) with a LONG name, and possibly the biggest heart it's been my privilege to know.

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