Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Watered Down Sentiments in a PC World

In a world where everything offends everyone, it's difficult to feel strongly about things.

I've said this numerous times, but I felt it bore deeper discussion than a simple facebook post.  I'm sick of this PC crap.  I'm sick of people being offended by things that are NOT offensive, never were, and never will be.  I'm a Christian, I love God, and I'm definitely flawed.  I'm a sinner, I have wrong thoughts, and sometimes I get angry and curse.  I am a Republican who's views don't always align with Republican sentiments fully, but I am one because I don't want government in every aspect and corner of my life.  I don't want a law for everything including how it's ok to breathe.  I want to maintain my freedom in a world where it's becoming more difficult daily to keep it.  I have friends who are gay, straight, lesbian, black, white, Asian etc.  I've had friends who've had abortions, and stood by them knowing it couldn't be an easy decision for them, and knowing there were other alternatives, but also knowing that it was ultimately their decision, and I'd rather have them have a safe procedure than use a hanger in a back alley and lose their lives.

I'm so sick of everyone lumping everyone else together and demonizing everything!  Just because someone is this or that label, does not mean they fit any other label about this or that you may or may not have as some unfortunate misgiving.  The things I believe, I believe with all my heart.  Those I love, I love deeply regardless of our relationship.  Things that matter to me, matter a LOT.  I think deeply, I feel deeply, I believe deeply.  I'm so sick of this watered down sentiment, and emotional crap.

I celebrate Christmas.  I love Christmas, it warms my heart, and fills me up with love and goodwill for others, all through the year.  It is a holiday that means a lot to me.  If I wish you a Merry Christmas, it's a true and deep sentiment.  It's from the core of who I am, and is NOT a put down, or an offense to you, it's something I give you that is a blessing of a holiday that means something to me.  If someone wishes me Happy Chanukah, I know they hold that particular holiday as a special one to themselves, and they are sharing a blessing to me and my family from their heart, and it fills me with warmth and happiness that they are sharing this with me, and blessing me through their faith.  If someone holds no particular holiday as a special one, they can wish me happy holidays, but to me it makes me a little sad that no one particular holiday is special to them.....or perhaps they celebrate them all, in which case it makes me happier.  Knowing which it is, depends on the person.  Knowing how to feel depends on my perception of who says it.

This past year, a lady in the grocery store wished me Happy Easter and I was on cloud 9.  I was over the moon because it's so UN PC, and yet, she shared a blessing with me I'd not heard in a lot of years.  Whether she was a Christian, or just simply liked the easter bunny didn't matter, because I knew Easter meant something to her, and she blessed me with well wishes on that holiday.  When someone is offended by these things, it really irritates me.  HOW can you be offended by something heartfelt, and deeply meaningful to the one who says it.  All it makes me think, is the ones who are offended by such things, are ignorant, and have difficulty understanding this simple sentiment.  It wouldn't matter to me what the blessing was, or from whom or what faith it came, what matters to me is the sentiment behind it, and how it makes the one giving it feel.  It is a GIFT from them to me, one not asked for or expected in return, and it's a truly small person who is offended by a gift.

I will not apologize for who I am, for what makes me feel love and warmth towards others, nor for what matters to me.  I served my country for the right to feel these things, to believe in them, and millions before me did the same, some giving the ultimate sacrifice so I could have this freedom, and I will grasp it with everything I am.  To do otherwise, would be an offense to the ones who went before me, and those serving today, for that same reason.  This is a great country, and today we have a President who is NOT a politician, but rather a businessman.  People are offended by this or that thing, he does or says, puts things completely out of context, but to me, he made no political promises, he promised things from a business man's point of view.  The difference is, we expect politicians to lie, but a business man knows that to keep clients, they must follow through on expectations, and this is what he is trying so hard to do, with opposition from both sides.  Why?  Because they perceive that he is somehow not qualified to be President......I have news for you, the 2 qualifications for that position are quite simple. 1. Be at least 35 years of age, and 2. Be a natural born citizen of this country.  He has met those qualifications.  Regardless if you like him or not, he IS President, if you're military, HE IS your Commander in Chief.  That's a simple fact, you don't have to like it, but we, as a nation look stupid and weak when we fail to stand behind our leader.

There have been Presidents I've liked and disliked, that's going to happen, but the fact is, they were President period.

Either way, I've also been doing my coloring therapy, and I color things throughout the year.  I like Christmas, and I color that throughout the year also, it's one of the things that keeps my heart warm throughout the year.  I'll share a few I've recently done, they are from Johanna Basford's Christmas book.  I wanted to share the reverse side of the paper as well as the front, simply because they can be colored although I'm not sure they were meant to be anything other than a decoration for the fronts.....since they can be, I naturally must color them LOL.

Either way, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!

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