Friday, September 9, 2016


Another short post.

I missed my lunch with my mom today, not sure what happened but I suddenly got sick and didn't want to chance making others sick.  I was nearly done getting ready to head out the door and it just hit me from no where. I hate having missed it, because I always enjoy spending time with mom.  I have an appointment at the VA in the morning, so hopefully that goes well.  It's kind of nice having them on a weekend day because there are so few ppl there and a lot of ppl makes my anxiety go up pretty high.

Ok, enough about that, I will be posting a picture from Ms Marotta's book of jellyfish, I made one all purples and one all pinks.  The lighting when I took the picture seems to change some of the colors a little bit, but it still looks nice.  This was a simpler picture, so took less time than some of the ones from her with so many tiny details, but it was still a few days in the making.  The next one is highly detailed, and the one following let's the person coloring add things if they want to, by way of drawing, which I'm really not very good at, so not sure if I will do that one or save it to maybe do with someone else that might be better at drawing things, as a collaberative project.  We will see.  Ms Marotta has several in her books like that, meant to help your creativity, and I do wish I were more talented in that area, but I'm happy I can color like a boss anyway.

I added the two owl pictures to give you an idea of how Ms Marotta does her pictures where she leaves a lot of blank space for you to get creative with your own view of how to add things.

Even though it wasn't as detailed as some of her art, I thoroughly enjoyed coloring this.  I would love to see some of your art, feel free to link pictures in the comments and enjoy your therapy!!!

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