Tuesday, April 4, 2023

What kind of God would allow these things to happen?

How many times in my life have I heard that?  Too many to count for certain.  Someone kills someone, someone gets ill, someone loses their house, a tsunami hits, no matter the situation, there is always someone to ask that very question.

That person (or replace with I) must have done something wrong for God to punish them like this.  That's another one I hear all too often.  I mean to tell people what kind of God we have.

We are human, illness happens, tragedy happens, violence and greed happen.  The problem began when some guy.....let's call him Joe, decided, hey I'm gonna take a rock and pay this other guy with pebbles for some of his meat.  Then, it caught on, and before you know it, Joe had started a complete several thousand year fad called legal tender.  Joe liked it so much that he made sure he went to where the rocks were in abundance and started hoarding them.  In this way, Joe could control both the legal tender AND the goods.

There is not ONE thing in God's creation that is evil.  I'll tell you, just for a giggle fact, even marijuana is in the Bible, and NO it's not to disparage it.  Don't believe me, look it up.  Evil happens when a small number of people create rules, force everyone to abide by them, and make it difficult for them to have things to take care of themselves or their families.  Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, was created for good.  It is man who taints what was creation with attempts to control it via pebbles, or changing it from what it was to what it was never meant to be.

MAN makes deadly drugs, then creates a desire for them in others......The short point here is, WE allowed these things to happen, not God.  God gave us free will, and what we do with it is up to us.  We punish ourselves and others by doing bad things, or doing bad things to others.  This is what I refer to as not choosing Jesus.  When I see something happening, I try and do something about it, or at the very least speak out if there is nothing more I can do. 

Every moment in our lives is meant to be precious, YES even when we are sick.  We go through trials, some made by us, some that are pushed on us, but the point is, Man does this to themselves and others.  Man has taken the creation that was given to us to watch over and care for, and we have poisoned it.  We turned it deadly and dangerous.  When we do not choose Jesus and something bad happens, it's not Him punishing us, it's called consequences.

Why doesn't God do something about it?  Guess what HE has, HE does, and HE is.  Read the Bible.  Every prophecy has been fulfilled with all the details in place, with the exception of Daniel and Revelations, until recently.  I'll make a post about these things later, right now I don't want to go off track with punishment, and bad things happen.  The point of God DOING something about it is this, HE knew we were dinguses, and would bring our world to this point.  He warned Adam and Eve NOT to learn about good and evil by staying away from ONE tree.  He made us good.  He made us in HIS image, the tree is our free will, WE chose the tree, and when we did, we learned evil, we already knew good.  Once man learned evil, boy did he run with it.  All the bad in the world isn't because of God, it's because WE chose NOT JESUS.

Mankind could simply say no. No I won't kill suzie sunshine over there just because you said you want her house, no I'm not going to another country and kill a bunch of people because They can grow things there I can't here, or they have some commodity that some 1 percenter wants to control.  This is why they say money is the root of all evil.  Look at money as if it were the fruit of the tree of good and evil..........get it?

If our neighbor's lightbill can't be paid, we could chip in as neighbors, or invite them over, or bring them a light or candle if it's all we can do. Do we?  Not many that's for sure.  I have bought carts of groceries for someone when they got to the pay part and the store didn't accept food stamps.  I didn't think it was right for that man to have to do all his shopping all over because he was older, clearly had the money, just not in the form that store wanted.  So I said I will pay for it, and I did.

He could have left there, gone to a different place and had the same experience, and someone would say, what a shame, that poor man must be being punished for something, or that poor man, why does God allow these things to happen.  UM DUH.  We witness things because GOD wants us to choose the right path.  That man could have gone store to store to store until he gave up and ate nothing.  No one else was doing anything, I was near him, heard it, saw it, and did something about it.  I'm far from rich.  I don't have a savings, I give things to goodwill and don't take home a receipt, in other words, I am not one to be in a place to provide my community with food, but that day I could, and that day I did, I chose Jesus.

The point is this, in case you haven't gleaned it yet.  We are given opportunities EVERY day to choose Jesus, and guess what, we don't do it all the time, no one probably could, and sometimes we might not even know what that choice would be, because we may have nothing we can do about what we witness.  But every single trial of ours or of those we are in contact with is a moment, a blink, a time we can choose Jesus, and when we aren't sure what this would be, we could say a quick prayer, Jesus what would you have me do.  Say I didn't have some money left after bills that day, what could I have done?  I don't know, because it didn't pan out that way, but I do know that man had his groceries, and could go home and rest his weary bones.  Sometimes choosing Jesus is as simple as being kind, or loving to someone having a hard time, and there's nothing else we can do.

So if you want to put it all on God, well I guess you could, but it's simply not the case.  We are given opportunities to reflect Jesus.  Trials aren't necessarily a bad thing, they can be a blessing if you put things in perspective.  Yes, I know children and moms and dads and all God's children get ill, and everyone dies.  Guess what, we were dying the moment we were born.  Jesus knows all this, and he guides with a gentle hand and encourages us to do right for ourselves as well as those we don't know.  The thing you do, might just be that ONE thing that makes someone wake up and say, omg God IS real.  Guess what, we all know He is real.  Search inside yourself, you know......some ppl just aren't ready to admit it yet, or would prefer to be "smarter" than everyone else and claim godhood.

The times in the Bible when God did intervene, gains MUCH criticism.  God saw things He didn't like, they were wrong, He took care of business, the end.  He said, um no, not on my block.  God doesn't have to punish us on earth, we get judged when our last blink is over.  Why do the same job numerous times when we humans tend to be FAR more critical than God.  God says, I know you're not perfect, I love you anyway, and I want you in my kingdom for all eternity.  God says, you can't reflect me without Jesus.  You did when you were first conceived, but the moment of birth, we begin our free will journey.  Jesus gave us a way to reflect Himself as a mirror, and yet allowing us to be the imperfect, flawed creatures we are.  That's some kinda love right there.

If nothing bad ever happened, that would mean we were all perfect, we always did the right thing, and well......we can dream.  Guess what, revelations says He is bringing His city to earth to rule, and we are ALL invited.  We get to be WITH HIM for ETERNITY.  Don't be ripped away from family, friends and the rest of us that want you to come with us, that's very disheartening.  When someone chooses NOT JESUS, it makes me sad.  Not just because they're gonna be judged, and who boy am I glad I'm not in their shoes; but also because by not choosing Jesus they are hurting others.  

When you finally choose Jesus, and let Him in, you realize, you've always known Him and He was always there.  Very soon, we will see tribulations the likes history has never seen, and the biggest prophecy in memory.  At some point, a lot of people will probably say, holy crap, it is real!  Guess what though, if you don't come when called, Jesus may have no choice but to keep letting you choose the lie.  How many of the prophecies in revelations has to be fulfilled before you wake up.  So far there's not many that are left......you're running out of time, and I'm trying to help you get there.  Help me help you to Jesus feet, so you can arm yourself for the coming attrocities that man is about to perpetrate onto the rest of us.  We go through terrible things before Jesus comes again, and guess what, He knew this would happen, and HE PLANNED ahead.  He gave us a way to still get to Him, even though we are wicked.

Things yet to come, 1/3 earth population gone due to war, in a short time, Idk what short time means, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be so fast we won't have time to think omg 1/3 of Dr's, lawyers, wood workers, moms, dads, children, born and unborn are just GONE.  Wiped out BY MAN.  Guess what, God says HE is going to do something about it, but first He is giving us time to get smart and choose Him.  1/3 will include believers and nonbelievers alike I have no doubt.  There will be no sense in it at all, other than Jesus said, it's going to happen, and when it doesn you'll know I'm nearly here.  Then some guy in the EW.......High Representative will enact law 666, article 12 and in revelations says he (the antichrist arrives on a platform of peace) EU is "peaceful", either way the High rep takes 666, it will be his number.  It says that the one that will take it witnessed it's making, so someone alive when it was first put into action......and all that is so.

I think I should end this here, because now I'm getting into a discussion for another blog post.  Either way, CHOOSE JESUS ppl, I'm begging you, do it BEFORE the 1/3 are wiped out.  Any or all of us reading this could be part of that number.

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