Friday, January 8, 2021

Fakebook/Twatter AKA Hitler/Lenin/Stalin

 Anyone that knows me, knows I only speak truth.

It has been hurting my heart to see people allowing the freedoms of some be quashed, while doing nothing to stop it.  I served my country, not just for my freedoms, but yours, and all who came before and will come after.  If I see someone doing wrong to another, I don't just walk away, I act, I say something etc.  That is who I am, and I'm sure my family would tell you, I've nearly gotten us all killed by marching up to this or that person and doing just that very thing.

My mother told me over and over during my lifetime that I couldn't save the world.  She's right, I can't.  But what I can do is to tell the truth of what I see.  I sit back and I watch, I walk with my eyes open and my ears able to hear, ready to act or react in a crisis.  I actually function with a far more clear head, and much better in a crisis or under stress.  I've intervened in people committing abuses to others in public, racists choosing to check bags of one "race" while passing me through.  I stop and tell them, this is not right, you WILL check my bags and receipts if you are checking ppl.  There is a big difference between doing the right thing or letting it go.  Even calling about something may mean that it's too late, when what was called for was action, saying something or standing up for what is right.

The difference I see recently between me and a LOT of people, is that I stand up for not just my rights, but the rights of EVERY person within my hearing, reach, speech etc.  I don't sit idly by and wait for someone else to handing something.  If something is wrong, I address it.  I have always and will always take the side of right vs wrong.  I have had friends of every walk of life.  I have had people be openly racist to me, and I approached those times with understanding.  You don't have to be violent to make a difference, all you have to do is see a need and step in to fill it.

I am not perfect, I am not infallible and I like everyone else, make mistakes.  I'm not saying I never have or never will, I'm sure being an imperfect person, I will continue to make mistakes in my life.  When I make them, I try to learn from them, I try to grow, so I can be a better person, with a broader understanding of life and the world around me, and all the people in it.  To be perfectly honest, I don't think of people as my black friend, my Chinese friend, my gay friend etc.  They are JUST my friends.  I don't think of Americans with labels either.  Do I acknowledge that someone's ancestry, history, traditions etc may be different from mine?  Of course, but I like learning about other cultures and traditions.  I always thought it would be freaking awesome to be Jewish, because think of the history there.  The very beginning of tracking time, events etc, came from them.  They have so many rich traditions that are so meaningful, and while they could explain them to me, I don't know that I could fully appreciate them as it's not my tradition.  I love to learn the meaningfulness of such deep family traditions and ties.

The difference between me and many I see today is, I refuse to bury my head in the sand and pretend that what I see happening isn't.  I see people's thoughts, ideas, sharing of news etc being banned on Twatter, Fakebook, etc.  I can't sit by and say nothing, even when I don't agree with their point of view.  It is not freedom for some because they share a point of view, it is freedom for all.  Those of you who have seen this happening and say nothing for your fellow you, I say shame.  You are the enablers of the brownshirts, the encouragement of a new Nazi/communist regime.  You seem to be fine with some people losing their freedom of voice because it's not you......guess what, Hitler Germany turned a blind eye too, and every one found out that one may have their freedoms today, but tomorrow, they are gone.  I say to anyone who is not a normal, run of the mill person.....meaning, you have some difference about you that others can will be next, and then the next group and so on.

I won't sit by and allow others to think that silencing some is ok, while others have the freedom to express their angst, anguish, frustration, joy, news, sorrow etc and etc and etc.  Anyone who is of ANY faith group should recall, Hitler didn't JUST incarcerate Jews.  He incarcerated any and all who didn't fit his fucked up ideal.  Gays, clergy who's opinion differed, you name it, that bastard put them all away to silence them.  Anyone who is gay, or jewish, or black or chinese, or whatever label you choose should be wary, you might be the next to be told your freedom of speech, religion or whatever else doesn't matter.

I implore you to recall history.  The way that Hitler's Germany began, by silencing some, then internment, mass murder etc.  It all began with silencing one, then a group, than another.  This is fascism in action.  Communism, and socialism is no different.  They want to regulate everything anyone thinks, speaks, believes etc.  I see this clearly NOW, at THIS moment in time.  I hear politicians, and have heard them for this past year and beyond passing hate speech, labels etc to others while practicing this hate openly.  What do you think they are saying when they say punish people with conservative values, let's put them in reeducation camps, let's silence them so that our voice is the only voice, even when it's not a voice of reason.  They are saying they value the same ideals that Hitler valued, they want only those in agreement with them to have a voice.  They want to punish, jail, kill etc, those who don't want government in every facet of their lives.  This is what conservatism is, wanting to live life and be allowed choices of how to live it, rather than being told how by a governing faction.

I have seen and heard all of this with my own eyes and ears, not taken out of context by a biased media, and only listening to part of a story.  I listen to the WHOLE story, and make my decision.  I have heard people calling for their "soldiers" to punish those who's values and morals are faith based.  I have seen people marching, murdering and destroying unchecked.  I have witnessed peaceful protests being undermined by those with an immoral agenda, with violence.

You may believe me, you may not, but I have been here with my eyes open.  If you are determined to be stubborn and blind, I can't make you move to action or see.  All I can do is my duty, to bring it to your attention.  What you do with it from there is up to you.  I have a great deal of love and respect for my friends from all walks of life, and this is why when I see a wrong, I strive to correct it.  I can't make others do the same.  I can't make people think in a broader sense, I can't make people see the greater benefit for all when they are determined to be selfish and out for themselves, or a small group.  I can tell what I see, I can give you the truth as I see it happening all around me.  I others choose blindness, or complacency because their self interests aren't being harmed, I can't help with that.  All I can do is say, today one group is being marginalized and tomorrow it will be another, are you sure that it's not you and your group?

Be that as it may, this entry is the truth as I see it, I will not be silent and watch Fakebook and Twatter violate the rights of others, and be content that my rights are not being violated.  I will no longer be on any media platform that encourages divisiveness and hate.  If you need to reach me, you may email me at zeffyra@hotmail, or zeffyra69@gmail..... I will be on parlor, spreely, and any other social media who encourages the freedoms of ALL and you may also find me there.

I hope that by the time your eyes are opened, it's not too late and you find your freedoms gone too.

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