Saturday, December 19, 2020

Theft of Freedom of Speech

Watching, I keep seeing story after story about the fraud in this year's Presidential election.

I can't understand how anyone, Democrat OR Republican would want to be the ostritch and bury their heads in the sand about this issue.  We have been censored on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and many others. People sharing valid views or news stories have been banned from social media sites, because the sites don't want people to see these stories.  EVERYONE should be worried for their freedoms, because if allowed to steal the voice of some now, means they will steal the voice of all later.

Personally, I believe there should be class action law suits on the social media sites who's practice it is to ban or delete posts that fall under our constitutional rights to speak our minds, or share current news.  I also believe there should be class action law suits vs each and every so called media station who practices bias editorials rather than news.  They are robbing us of valuable information, editorials are not news, they are opinion.  I do not want to be dictated as to what I should think, and no one out there should be satisfied with the constant brain washing of yourselves or your children.  I believe we should have class action law suits on terrorist factions such as BLM, and Antifa, who have openly taken part in riots, destruction, mayhem and murder, as well as criminal lawsuits of the same.

These factions scream racism, while spreading hate and division between races.  This is the perpetrator of reinstilling racism back into society, and is an absolutely abhorrent practice.  They call for the defunding of police, while murder has risen 90% because of police suppression.  Don't let these allegations blind you, think critically.  The self same people have called on the police to enforce, MANDATES (which are suggestions, not law) about masks, or gatherings.  What police are coming to your aid when you call?  I can't blame them for not wanting to go, people are demonizing people who have taken and oath to protect and serve the public and enforce the law of the land.  They aren't rich, they aren't the highest paid people on the planet, and yet, they put their lives on the line for me and for you every day they put on their uniforms.  As far as I'm concerned, they are grossly underpaid for that kind of potential cost to themselves and their spouses, and children.

These factions would have you believe that Republican stance means facism......let's define facism:  a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.  Wikipedia would have you believe that this is a far right sentiment, and depending on the political compass in other nations, this could be true, HOWEVER, that would only stand IF the far right in any particular nation, was, by comparison, the far left in America.  Let me reiterate, I classify myself in some ways as far right, in come ways and medium, and I also have some political views that tend to the left.

I will explain.  The far right typically holds to less government being more, and more power to the people.  I don't want laws to govern every aspect of my existence, and people that do.......well, let's just say they haven't thought critically about what that would mean or look like. Midline is where most of the typical stances on law, or morality stand.  My views that would look more to the left are those including certain aspects of abortion law, and those concerning LGBTQ community.  The difference here is that, I don't believe we should inundate society to a bunch of new laws, creating justice for some, and supression for the majority.  I do however, believe that people should be trusted to have a moral compass, and all have rights under the constitution.  I tend to think that questions of morality are more of a personal thing than a government one, and should be treated as such.  IE: should I get an abortion......and critically thinking this through by what your family and morality has taught you.  If you are using abortion as a means of birth control, you are simply not behaving in a highly moral lifestyle, and yes, I think that is wrong.  If an abortion is indicated due to health limitations etc, I have to stand on the ground that letting the government have control over such situations is wrong.  So, though it initially SEEMS to be a more left approach, the fact I would put the decision into people's hands brings it back to the right.  I believe that LGBTQ people have the same inalienable rights to freedom as anyone else, the same for any race.  The constitution stands clear to me on these things, and I don't believe that dictating laws on "recognizing" LGBTQ issues is truly a necessary thing.  They are already recognized in the constitution.  Everything else seems to be more of a morality/religious conundrum, and I don't think people's consciences should be forced to one side or another.

Now let's explore the meaning of facism, it is suppression at it's core.  Suppression of speech, political, moral, and religious freedom, as well as others.  It is the removal of freedom due to government being placed into every aspect of life.  Total government control, police state etc.  Now let's explore what those screaming facsism, or racism are doing.  They are calling for division/recognition of black people.  They are not calling for recognition of any other race, and the very NAME of the organization in itself should be an affront to EVERYONE of EVERY race and religion.  I will address that issue in a bit, for now I want to stick with the issue of facism. BLM, and Antifa, specifically, as well as some FAR LEFT nutjobs smoking way too much crack, would have you believe that defunding the police would be a good idea.  When there are not police, who is it then, in crisis would step up to the plate and "protect" us all from injustice and broken laws.  This, again, is where facism rears it's ugly head once again.  Absent of local police and authority to protect us from lawbreakers, the National/Federal Government would be called upon to step in to protect the people.  Thus the far left would have another piece of the puzzle to take complete control of every American citizen, and further us towards complete facism or socialism....neither of which is a good idea for ANYONE!

Facism also touches on the issue of race.....exactly what do you think it means when a faction names itself Black Lives Matter.  It means they are holding that race above all others, calling attention to it, dividing it from the rest of the society in which it belongs.  This is, in fact racism.  This is facism.  We can also determine that the nationalism named in the definition is not the same thing as being patriotic or proud of your country.  Rather, nationalistic views/states would be totalitarian states in which NATION is more important than people.  This has never been said by ANY republican EVER.  However it is screamed by Antifa and far left "Democrats" which is really, at this point more of a cult if you ask me.  People saying they will riot if others dont vote the way their socialistic organization wants them to, thus giving full power and authority to those that they want in power.......ppl, wake up please and look at what is being done to our country.

We are systematically losing our freedoms, and we are being spoonfed diarrhea telling us that it is for our own good.  We are allowing some jackasses on "social media" to quell our voices and freedoms, stealing our basic rights from us.  Exactly what do you think comes next.

Congratulations to the blind for allowing themselves to be brainwashed into loving Trump when he was on NBC stating you're fired.  Being trolled into putting importance into "reality" tv shows such as The Apprentice. Being told love him for his candor, and abruptly brutal honesty.  I never watched reality TV, but I remember the commercials before I deleted TV, sensationalizing, see who gets fired this week.  Congratulations to all of you with such a short memory, that you loved Trump when told to bye the very same people who are now convincing you to hate him, and have been for the past 4 years, for the VERY SAME qualities he has shown as President.  What a good bunch of people you have been to fall for the idiocy that the far left would have you fall for, being brainwashed into believing that they give half a shit about you.

As for me and mine, we will continue to fight for freedom, and I will honor my military vow to protect America from ALL enemies foreign and domestic.

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